NCCC New York (Bronx)
Chapter Leader: Sharryl Thomas-Travis Get in touch with NCCC Bronx The Bronx chapter provides services in S4LCC Cancer Resource Stations located in Harlem and Bronx:Virtual and in-person cancer workshops and…
Chapter Leader: Sharryl Thomas-Travis Get in touch with NCCC Bronx The Bronx chapter provides services in S4LCC Cancer Resource Stations located in Harlem and Bronx:Virtual and in-person cancer workshops and…
Cancer can be isolating, and it’s easy to see where friends and family members who haven’t personally dealt with cancer—and if they have, probably haven’t dealt with your specific cancer—aren’t…
Get in touch with NCCC Goose Creek Chapter Leader: Cherlya ThompsonWant to learn more about the chapter? Interested in volunteering for an upcoming event or fundraiser, or just getting…
Get in touch with NCCC Northern Virginia Chapter Leaders: Alegra Woodard and Bobby Woodard Bobby and Alegra Woodard are NCCC chapter leaders in Northern Virginia. This decision is…
Chapter Leader: Sandy CowanSandy's StoryNCCC NJ Chapter Leader Sandy Cowan appeared on the Dr. Oz show on October 11, 2012, to share her story and raise awareness about HPV and…
Get in touch with NCCC Lafayette Chapter Leader: Denise Linton, DNS, RN, FNP, FAANP "Cervical cancer is one of the few preventable cancers. As a chapter leader who is a…
Get in touch with NCCC South Florida F.L.A.G.—Fight Like a Girl Chapter Leader: Visleyn Lopez Visleyn's Story Chapter Leader Viselyn Lopez on Lifetime's Access Health Miami chapter leader Viselyn Lopez…
NCCC NC (Charlotte) Get in touch with the NCCC Charlotte Chapter NCCC Charlotte Chapter Leader: Jane FitchIn May 2011, Jane was diagnosed with stage IIB cervical cancer. After several months…
Get in touch with NCCC Memphis Chapter Leader: Joy WrightJoy's Story"It's been almost a year since I was diagnosed and I'm still not very comfortable with the term "cancer survivor." …
Get in touch with NCCC Fort Worth Chapter Leaders: Thania Balcazar and Ana ChicoWant to learn more about the chapter? Interested in volunteering for an upcoming event or fundraiser, or just getting…