Understanding Cervical Cancer Prevention

Patients who are well-informed about tests and procedures –including why they’re having them in the first place—are empowered health care consumers. Understanding Cervical Cancer Prevention is designed to take the mystery out of the process so you will feel confident to speak-up, ask questions of your health care team, and become an advocate for your own health and well-being.

This activity has two tracks: one to cover the basics of cervical cancer screening and another for those with screening test results that require follow-up (like an abnormal Pap test).  In just a few minutes you’ll learn about topics including:

  • Pap and HPV tests
  • How often should I be checked?
  • What’s next if my screening test is abnormal?
  • What’s a cervix? (with options to view images)
  • The connection between cervical health and the human papillomavirus (HPV)

…and much more. Each page includes narration with clear explanations of the information covered. Click the button below to get started. After all, it’s YOUR health!

In English and Spanish

In Arabic, Dari, and Pashto (Audio only)

The developers of this patient education tool analyzed how it impacted patients’ knowledge about cervical cancer prevention and treatment. Read the Open Access paper here.

This educational activity was developed by the University of California, Los Angeles; the University of California, Irvine; and the National Cervical Cancer Coalition. This activity was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI®) Award.