Our volunteer chapter leaders are passionate about seeking out opportunities to educate people through health fairs, education events, and fundraising events. These individuals have demonstrated a true passion to help others and as a result thousands of people across this country have benefited from their efforts.
Although we currently have a local chapters in more than two dozen states, there are pockets where we need more. We need you! If you and your friends are interested in starting a chapter please help us reach out to your community! You’ll get great support and an amazing feeling from helping others.
NCCC Chapters are born out of a desire that no other woman, family member or friend should feel alone while battling cervical cancer and HPV. Want to learn about starting a NCCC chapter in your area? Click here to learn more about what is involved and submit an application to be a chapter leader.
Existing NCCC chapters also need volunteers to increase their effectiveness in educational efforts, awareness raising as well as fundraising campaigns. Please feel free to contact any of the chapter leaders to offer help and support.
NCCC Chapter Activities
Local NCCC chapters are established to demonstrate a local presence for the community. Thousands of women across the US are living with a history of surviving cervical cancer. These women as well as their families, caregivers and women currently undergoing cervical cancer treatment often find it part of the healing process to support and educate others about the disease.
This can mean offering meetings for discussion, inviting knowledgeable speakers from the area to speak on the issues of cervical cancer and cancer survivorship, attending health care conferences, educating local physicians and community health centers about women’s need for the highest quality care and even delving into political advocacy, so that financial access to screening and treatment is maintained.