Click on your state below to get information on resources for free and/or low-cost cervical cancer screening. For additional areas not covered in the map, including American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and Washington DC, click here.

To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (334) 206-5851
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Bureau of Family Health Services
Alabama Department of Public Health
PO Box 303017
Montgomery, AL 36130-3017
(334) 206-5851
Fax: (334) 206-2950
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: Information Line- 1 (800) 410-6266 (in state)
Breast and Cervical Health Check
Division of Public Health
Section of Women's, Children's and Family Health
4701 Business Park Blvd
Building J, Suite 20
Anchorage, AK 99503-7123
(907) 269-3491
Fax: (907) 269-3414
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 257-8502
Well Woman Healthcheck Program
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
Arizona Department of Health Services
1740 W Adams, No. 205
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(888) 257-8502
Fax: (602) 542-7520
To find out if you qualify for a free mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 462-0599
Arkansas Department of Health
4815 West Markham Street, Slot 11
Little Rock, AR 72205
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: Information Line: (800) 511-2300 (in state)- M-F, 9am - 7pm. In English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese.
Cancer Detection Programs: Every Woman Counts
Cancer Detection Section
California Department of Health Services
PO Box 997413
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 449-5300
Fax: (916) 440-5184
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (866) 951-WELL (9355)
Women's Wellness Connection
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246–1530
(303) 692-2511
Fax: (303) 758-3268
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (860) 509-7804
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #11CCS
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 509-8309
Fax: (860) 509-7855
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 464-4357
Screening for Life
Division of Public Health
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
Thomas Collins Building, Suite 11
540 South DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 744-1040
Fax: (302) 739-2545
District of Columbia
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (202) 442-5900
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
District of Columbia Department of Health
825 North Capitol Street, NE
3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 442-5900
(202) 442-9128 (Spanish)
Fax: (202) 442-4825
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 227-2345
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention
Florida Department of Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #A-18
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1744
(850) 245-4444
Fax: (850) 414-6625
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (404) 657-6611
Cancer Screening Program
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Division of Public Health
2 Peachtree Street, NW, 13th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303–3142
(404) 657-6611
Fax: (404) 657-4338
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (808) 692-7480
Hawaii Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
Hawaii State Department of Health
601 Kamokila Boulevard #344
Kapolei, HI 96707
(808) 692-7480
Fax: (808) 692-7478
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 926-2588
Women's Health Check
Division of Health
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
450 W. State Street, 4th Floor
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720–0036
(208) 332-7311
Fax: (208) 334-0657
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 522-1282
Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Office of Women^s Health Services
Illinois Department of Public Health
535 West Jefferson Street, First Floor
Springfield, IL 62761–0001
(217) 785-1050
Fax: (217) 557-3326
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (317) 233-7405
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian Street
Mailstop 6B-F4
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 233-7405
(800) 433-0746
Fax: (317) 233-7775
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 369-2229
Care for Yourself
Iowa Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Iowa Department of Public Health
321 East 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319–0075
(515) 242-6067
Fax: (515) 281-6475
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (877) 277-1368
Early Detection Works
Office of Health Promotion
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
State Office Building
1000 Southwest Jackson, Suite 230
Topeka, KS 66612–1274
(785) 296-1207
Fax: (785) 368-7287
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 462-6122 or 1 (800) 4-CANCER
Kentucky Women's Cancer Screening Program
Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Division of Women's Physical and Mental Health
Department of Public Health
275 East Main Street, HS2GW-A
Frankfort, KY 40621–0001
(502) 564-3236
Fax: (502) 564-1552
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 599-1073
Louisiana Breast and Cervical Health Program
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
School of Public Health
1615 Poydras Street, Suite 1400
New Orleans, LA 70112
(888) 599-1073
Fax: (504) 568-5838
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 350-5180 (in state)
Breast and Cervical Health Program
Center for Disease Control and Prevention/DHHS
11 State House Station
Key Bank Plaza, 4th Floor
286 Water Street
Augusta, ME 04333–0011
(207) 287-8068
Fax: (207) 287-4100
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 477-9774
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Center for Cancer Surveillance and Control
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston Street, Third Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
1 (800) 477-9774
Fax: (410) 333-7279
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (877) 414-4447
Women's Health Network
Massachusetts Department of Health
250 Washington Street, Fourth Floor
Boston, MA 02108-4619
(617) 624-5434
Fax: (617) 624-5055
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 922-MAMM
Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
Cancer Prevention and Control Section
Michigan Department of Community Health
Washington Square Building, 5th Floor
109 Michigan Avenue
Lansing, MI 48913
(517) 335-8049
Fax: (517) 335-9397
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 643-2584
SAGE Screening Program
Minnesota Department of Health
85 East Seventh Place
PO Box 64882
St. Paul, MN 55164-0882
(651) 201-5618
Fax: (651) 201-5601
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 721-7222
Mississippi Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Mississippi State Department of Health
570 East Woodrow Wilson
PO Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
(601) 576-7466
Fax: (601) 576-8030
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (573) 522-2845
Show Me Healthy Women Program
Cancer Control Unit
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
920 Wildwood Drive
PO Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
(573) 522-2845
Fax: (573) 522-2899
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 803-9343
Breast and Cervical Health Program
Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Cogswell Building
1400 Broadway, C-317
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620–2951
(406) 444-0063
Fax: (406) 444-7465
Every Woman Matters Program
Office of Women's Health
Nebraska Health and Human Services
301 Centennial Mall South, 3rd Floor
PO Box 94817
Lincoln, NE 68509-4817
(402) 471-0314
Fax: (402) 471-0913
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 463-8942 (in state) or (775) 684-5936 (outside of state)
Women's Health Connection
Nevada State Health Division
4150 Technology Way, Suite 101
Carson City, NV 89706
(775) 684-5926
Fax: (775) 684-4031
New Hampshire
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (603) 271-4931 or (800) 852-3345, ext. 4931 (in state)
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Division of Public Health Services
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301-4604
(603) 271-4886
(800) 852-3345
Fax: (603) 271-0539
New Jersey
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 328-3838
Cancer Education and Early Detection Program
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
50 East State Street, Sixth Floor
PO Box 364
Trenton, NJ 08625–0364
(609) 292-8540
Fax: (609) 292-3580
New Mexico
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (505) 841-5860
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
New Mexico Department of Health
5301 Central Avenue NE, Suite 800
Albuquerque, NM 87108
(505) 841-5860
(877) 852-2585
Fax: (505) 222-8602
New York
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (866) 442-CANCER or (866) 442-2262
Cancer Services Program
Bureau of Chronic Disease Services
New York State Department of Health
150 Broadway, 3rd Floor West
Albany, NY 12204
(518) 474-1222
Fax: (518) 473-0642
North Carolina
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (919) 707-5300
Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
Division of Public Health
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
5505 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27609
(919) 707-5300
Fax: (919) 870-4812
North Dakota
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 449-6636 (in state) or (701) 328-2333 (outside of state)
Women's Way Program
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
North Dakota Department of Health
600 East Boulevard Avenue, Department 301
Bismarck, ND 58505–0200
(701) 328-2472
Fax: (701) 328-2036
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 4-CANCER
Breast and Cervical Cancer Project
Ohio Department of Health
246 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 466-2144
Fax: (614) 564-2409
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 669-5934
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 Northeast Tenth Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
(405) 271-4072
Fax: (405) 271-6315
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (971) 673-0581 or (877) 255-7070
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Office of Family Health
Oregon Department of Human Services
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 360
Portland, OR 97232–2162
(971) 673-0581
(877) 255-7070
Fax: (971) 673-0997
OHSU Center for Women's Health
Free Screening Program appointment line- (503)346-1212
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Portland, Oregon 97239-3098
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 215-7494
Healthy Woman Program
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Room 1011 Health and Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
(800) 215-7494
Fax: (717) 772-0608
Rhode Island
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (401) 222-4324
Women's Cancer Screening Program
Rhode Island Cancer Control Program
Rhode Island Department of Health
3 Capitol Hill, Room 408
Providence, RI 02908
(401) 222-1171
Fax: (401) 222-4415
South Carolina
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 227-2345
Best Chance Network
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention, DHEC
1800 St Julian Place
Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 545-4145
Fax: (803) 545-4445
South Dakota
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 738-2301(in state)
All Women Count!
South Dakota Department of Health
615 East Fourth Street
Pierre, SD 57501–1700
(605) 773-5728
Fax: (605) 773-5509
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (877) 969- 6636
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Tennessee Department of Health
Cordell Hull Building, Sixth Floor
425 Fifth Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37247–5262
1 (877) 969- 6636
Fax: (615) 741-3806
Women’s Wellness Program (WOW)Free cervical and breast cancer events through the year.
For more information call 832-217-5571

Breast and Cervical Cancer Services
Texas Department of State Health Services
Preventive and Primary Care Unit
1100 West 49th Street
Mail Code 1923
PO Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347
(512) 458-7796
Fax: (512) 458-7203
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (512) 458-7796
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 717-1811
Utah Cancer Control Program
Bureau of Health Promotion
Utah Department of Health
288 North 1460 West
PO Box 142107
Salt Lake City, UT 84114–2107
(800) 717-1811
Fax: (801) 538-9495
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 508-2222 or (800) 319-3141 (TDD)
Ladies First
Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Vermont Department of Health
108 Cherry Street
PO Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402–0070
(802) 863-7331
Fax: (802) 657-4208
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (866) EWL-4-YOU [866-395-4968] (in state) or (804) 864-8204 (outside of state)
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street, 8th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 864-8204
Fax: (804) 864-7763
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 438-2247
Breast, Cervical and Colon Health Program
Washington State Department of Health
111 Israel Road, Town Center 2, 3rd Floor
Tumwater, WA 98501
(360) 236-3672
Fax: (360) 664-2619
West Virginia
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 642-8522
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
350 Capital Street, Room 427
Charleston, WV 25301-3714
(304) 558-5388
(800) 642-8522
Fax: (304) 558-7164
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (608) 266-8311
Well Woman Program
Division of Public Health
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
One West Wilson Street, Room 218
PO Box 2659 Madison, WI 53701–2659
(608) 266-8311
Fax: (608) 261-8625
Our Lady of Hope Clinic
Madison, WI
(608) 819-8544
Our Lady of Hope Clinic is a nonprofit primary medical clinic located in Madison, WI, which provides free primary care for the uninsured. The clinic provides free PAP screenings for uninsured women between the ages of 18 - 44. Call for more information.
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 264-1296
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Preventive Health and Safety Division
Wyoming Department of Health
6101 Yellowstone Road, Room 259A
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-6006
Fax: (307) 777-3765
Community Health Centers of Central Wyoming
Locations in Casper,Riverton, and Dubois
5000 Blackmore Road
Casper, WY 82609
(307) 233-6000
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (334) 206-5851
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Bureau of Family Health Services
Alabama Department of Public Health
PO Box 303017
Montgomery, AL 36130-3017
(334) 206-5851
Fax: (334) 206-2950
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: Information Line- 1 (800) 410-6266 (in state)
Breast and Cervical Health Check
Division of Public Health
Section of Women's, Children's and Family Health
4701 Business Park Blvd
Building J, Suite 20
Anchorage, AK 99503-7123
(907) 269-3491
Fax: (907) 269-3414
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 257-8502
Well Woman Healthcheck Program
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
Arizona Department of Health Services
1740 W Adams, No. 205
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(888) 257-8502
Fax: (602) 542-7520
To find out if you qualify for a free mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 462-0599
Arkansas Department of Health
4815 West Markham Street, Slot 11
Little Rock, AR 72205
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: Information Line: (800) 511-2300 (in state)- M-F, 9am - 7pm. In English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese.
Cancer Detection Programs: Every Woman Counts
Cancer Detection Section
California Department of Health Services
PO Box 997413
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 449-5300
Fax: (916) 440-5184
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (866) 951-WELL (9355)
Women's Wellness Connection
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246–1530
(303) 692-2511
Fax: (303) 758-3268
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (860) 509-7804
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #11CCS
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 509-8309
Fax: (860) 509-7855
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 464-4357
Screening for Life
Division of Public Health
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
Thomas Collins Building, Suite 11
540 South DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 744-1040
Fax: (302) 739-2545
District of Columbia
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (202) 442-5900
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
District of Columbia Department of Health
825 North Capitol Street, NE
3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 442-5900
(202) 442-9128 (Spanish)
Fax: (202) 442-4825
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 227-2345
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention
Florida Department of Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #A-18
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1744
(850) 245-4444
Fax: (850) 414-6625
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (404) 657-6611
Cancer Screening Program
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Division of Public Health
2 Peachtree Street, NW, 13th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303–3142
(404) 657-6611
Fax: (404) 657-4338
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (808) 692-7480
Hawaii Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
Hawaii State Department of Health
601 Kamokila Boulevard #344
Kapolei, HI 96707
(808) 692-7480
Fax: (808) 692-7478
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 926-2588
Women's Health Check
Division of Health
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
450 W. State Street, 4th Floor
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720–0036
(208) 332-7311
Fax: (208) 334-0657
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 522-1282
Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Office of Women^s Health Services
Illinois Department of Public Health
535 West Jefferson Street, First Floor
Springfield, IL 62761–0001
(217) 785-1050
Fax: (217) 557-3326
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (317) 233-7405
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian Street
Mailstop 6B-F4
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 233-7405
(800) 433-0746
Fax: (317) 233-7775
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 369-2229
Care for Yourself
Iowa Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Iowa Department of Public Health
321 East 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319–0075
(515) 242-6067
Fax: (515) 281-6475
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (877) 277-1368
Early Detection Works
Office of Health Promotion
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
State Office Building
1000 Southwest Jackson, Suite 230
Topeka, KS 66612–1274
(785) 296-1207
Fax: (785) 368-7287
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 462-6122 or 1 (800) 4-CANCER
Kentucky Women's Cancer Screening Program
Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Division of Women's Physical and Mental Health
Department of Public Health
275 East Main Street, HS2GW-A
Frankfort, KY 40621–0001
(502) 564-3236
Fax: (502) 564-1552
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 599-1073
Louisiana Breast and Cervical Health Program
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
School of Public Health
1615 Poydras Street, Suite 1400
New Orleans, LA 70112
(888) 599-1073
Fax: (504) 568-5838
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 350-5180 (in state)
Breast and Cervical Health Program
Center for Disease Control and Prevention/DHHS
11 State House Station
Key Bank Plaza, 4th Floor
286 Water Street
Augusta, ME 04333–0011
(207) 287-8068
Fax: (207) 287-4100
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 477-9774
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Center for Cancer Surveillance and Control
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston Street, Third Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
1 (800) 477-9774
Fax: (410) 333-7279
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (877) 414-4447
Women's Health Network
Massachusetts Department of Health
250 Washington Street, Fourth Floor
Boston, MA 02108-4619
(617) 624-5434
Fax: (617) 624-5055
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 922-MAMM
Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
Cancer Prevention and Control Section
Michigan Department of Community Health
Washington Square Building, 5th Floor
109 Michigan Avenue
Lansing, MI 48913
(517) 335-8049
Fax: (517) 335-9397
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 643-2584
SAGE Screening Program
Minnesota Department of Health
85 East Seventh Place
PO Box 64882
St. Paul, MN 55164-0882
(651) 201-5618
Fax: (651) 201-5601
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 721-7222
Mississippi Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Mississippi State Department of Health
570 East Woodrow Wilson
PO Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
(601) 576-7466
Fax: (601) 576-8030
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (573) 522-2845
Show Me Healthy Women Program
Cancer Control Unit
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
920 Wildwood Drive
PO Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
(573) 522-2845
Fax: (573) 522-2899
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 803-9343
Breast and Cervical Health Program
Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Cogswell Building
1400 Broadway, C-317
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620–2951
(406) 444-0063
Fax: (406) 444-7465
Every Woman Matters Program
Office of Women's Health
Nebraska Health and Human Services
301 Centennial Mall South, 3rd Floor
PO Box 94817
Lincoln, NE 68509-4817
(402) 471-0314
Fax: (402) 471-0913
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 463-8942 (in state) or (775) 684-5936 (outside of state)
Women's Health Connection
Nevada State Health Division
4150 Technology Way, Suite 101
Carson City, NV 89706
(775) 684-5926
Fax: (775) 684-4031
New Hampshire
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (603) 271-4931 or (800) 852-3345, ext. 4931 (in state)
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Division of Public Health Services
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301-4604
(603) 271-4886
(800) 852-3345
Fax: (603) 271-0539
New Jersey
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 328-3838
Cancer Education and Early Detection Program
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
50 East State Street, Sixth Floor
PO Box 364
Trenton, NJ 08625–0364
(609) 292-8540
Fax: (609) 292-3580
New Mexico
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (505) 841-5860
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
New Mexico Department of Health
5301 Central Avenue NE, Suite 800
Albuquerque, NM 87108
(505) 841-5860
(877) 852-2585
Fax: (505) 222-8602
New York
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (866) 442-CANCER or (866) 442-2262
Cancer Services Program
Bureau of Chronic Disease Services
New York State Department of Health
150 Broadway, 3rd Floor West
Albany, NY 12204
(518) 474-1222
Fax: (518) 473-0642
North Carolina
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (919) 707-5300
Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
Division of Public Health
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
5505 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27609
(919) 707-5300
Fax: (919) 870-4812
North Dakota
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 449-6636 (in state) or (701) 328-2333 (outside of state)
Women's Way Program
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
North Dakota Department of Health
600 East Boulevard Avenue, Department 301
Bismarck, ND 58505–0200
(701) 328-2472
Fax: (701) 328-2036
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 4-CANCER
Breast and Cervical Cancer Project
Ohio Department of Health
246 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 466-2144
Fax: (614) 564-2409
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 669-5934
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 Northeast Tenth Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
(405) 271-4072
Fax: (405) 271-6315
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (971) 673-0581 or (877) 255-7070
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Office of Family Health
Oregon Department of Human Services
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 360
Portland, OR 97232–2162
(971) 673-0581
(877) 255-7070
Fax: (971) 673-0997
OHSU Center for Women's Health
Free Screening Program appointment line- (503)346-1212
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Portland, Oregon 97239-3098
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 215-7494
Healthy Woman Program
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Room 1011 Health and Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
(800) 215-7494
Fax: (717) 772-0608
Rhode Island
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (401) 222-4324
Women's Cancer Screening Program
Rhode Island Cancer Control Program
Rhode Island Department of Health
3 Capitol Hill, Room 408
Providence, RI 02908
(401) 222-1171
Fax: (401) 222-4415
South Carolina
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 227-2345
Best Chance Network
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention, DHEC
1800 St Julian Place
Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 545-4145
Fax: (803) 545-4445
South Dakota
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 738-2301(in state)
All Women Count!
South Dakota Department of Health
615 East Fourth Street
Pierre, SD 57501–1700
(605) 773-5728
Fax: (605) 773-5509
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (877) 969- 6636
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Tennessee Department of Health
Cordell Hull Building, Sixth Floor
425 Fifth Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37247–5262
1 (877) 969- 6636
Fax: (615) 741-3806
Women’s Wellness Program (WOW)Free cervical and breast cancer events through the year.
For more information call 832-217-5571

Breast and Cervical Cancer Services
Texas Department of State Health Services
Preventive and Primary Care Unit
1100 West 49th Street
Mail Code 1923
PO Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347
(512) 458-7796
Fax: (512) 458-7203
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (512) 458-7796
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 717-1811
Utah Cancer Control Program
Bureau of Health Promotion
Utah Department of Health
288 North 1460 West
PO Box 142107
Salt Lake City, UT 84114–2107
(800) 717-1811
Fax: (801) 538-9495
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 508-2222 or (800) 319-3141 (TDD)
Ladies First
Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Vermont Department of Health
108 Cherry Street
PO Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402–0070
(802) 863-7331
Fax: (802) 657-4208
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (866) EWL-4-YOU [866-395-4968] (in state) or (804) 864-8204 (outside of state)
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street, 8th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 864-8204
Fax: (804) 864-7763
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (888) 438-2247
Breast, Cervical and Colon Health Program
Washington State Department of Health
111 Israel Road, Town Center 2, 3rd Floor
Tumwater, WA 98501
(360) 236-3672
Fax: (360) 664-2619
West Virginia
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 642-8522
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
350 Capital Street, Room 427
Charleston, WV 25301-3714
(304) 558-5388
(800) 642-8522
Fax: (304) 558-7164
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (608) 266-8311
Well Woman Program
Division of Public Health
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
One West Wilson Street, Room 218
PO Box 2659 Madison, WI 53701–2659
(608) 266-8311
Fax: (608) 261-8625
Our Lady of Hope Clinic
Madison, WI
(608) 819-8544
Our Lady of Hope Clinic is a nonprofit primary medical clinic located in Madison, WI, which provides free primary care for the uninsured. The clinic provides free PAP screenings for uninsured women between the ages of 18 - 44. Call for more information.
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (800) 264-1296
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Preventive Health and Safety Division
Wyoming Department of Health
6101 Yellowstone Road, Room 259A
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-6006
Fax: (307) 777-3765
Community Health Centers of Central Wyoming
Locations in Casper,Riverton, and Dubois
5000 Blackmore Road
Casper, WY 82609
(307) 233-6000
Additional Locations
American Samoa
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: 1 011 (684) 633-2135
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Department of Health
American Samoa Government
Territory of American Samoa
Pago Pago, AS 96799
011 (684) 633-2135
Fax: 011 (684) 633-2136
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (671) 735-7174 or (671) 735-7168
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Division of Public Health
Department of Public Health and Social Services
123 Chalan Kareta, Route 10
Mangilao, GU 96913
(671) 735-0671
Fax: (671) 734-2066
Northern Mariana Islands
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (670) 236-8703
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Department of Public Health
PO Box 500409
Saipan, MP 96950
(670) 236-8703
Fax: (670) 236-8700
Puerto Rico
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (787) 772-8300 ext 1122
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
University of Puerto Rico
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Medical Sciences Campus
PO Box 70344 PMB 371
San Juan, PR 00936
(787) 772-8300 ext 1122
Fax: (787) 767-8008
District of Columbia
To find out if you qualify for a free or low-cost mammogram and Pap test and where to get screened, call: (202) 442-5900
Project Women Into Staying Healthy (WISH)
District of Columbia Department of Health
825 North Capitol Street, NE
3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 442-5900
(202) 442-9128 (Spanish)
Fax: (202) 442-4825