Host a Fundraising Event

Thank you for considering hosting a fundraising event to benefit the NCCC. Fundraising is one of the most important functions for any nonprofit. The monies raised make it possible to provide support and information to people all over the United States. Our goal is to STOP cervical cancer and other HPV-related diseases. That takes the type of support we get from fundraisers. If you are interested in holding a fundraiser for NCCC, a great first step is to contact NCCC for suggestions how to proceed. We can first help you identify whether or not there is an existing NCCC chapter in your area. If there is, you can contact the chapter leader to see about partnering on the event. If there is not a chapter in your area, NCCC can help you plan your event. There are rules about fundraising with the NCCC name and/or logo that we can help clarify. We also have recommended vendors who can make the job easier. Contact NCCC early in the process to ensure success with your event. When you have ideas and plans for your event, complete and submit the Fundraising event application form below to get started.

Consider starting your own NCCC Chapter

Local chapters are established to demonstrate a local presence for the community. Local chapters conduct educational events, hold fundraisers, and help raise awareness about cervical cancer prevention in their communities. Want to learn about starting a NCCC chapter in your area? Start by reading through this page. If you’re interested in applying to start a new chapter, simply complete the New Chapter Application Form online.

Questions we hear most often . . . 

“What fundraising events don’t cost a lot?” “What ones are easy to do?” “Which ones make the most money?” And what’s the answer to those three questions? It depends! That’s right. There is no one answer, no “one size fits all” solution. There are lots of events though that can be fun and pretty easy to do.

Fundraising events vary

Fundraisers will vary greatly in cost, complexity, and results—based on a host of factors that are often not easy to control. Events that don’t cost a lot will often require more volunteer time to put them together. Ones that are easy to do are often not the biggest money makers. And, sometimes you need a crystal ball to figure out which ones would produce the biggest net return. So, where does that leave us in our search for answers to our three questions? It leaves us with a set of options or choices for event-based fundraisers.

Which events don’t cost a lot?

Generally, the fundraisers with the lowest cost are those that involve direct labor in exchange for a donation or contribution. Low-cost examples include the volunteer car wash or the charity bike ride. Here, you want to use the “sweat equity” approach—volunteers sweat in return for equity for your nonprofit organization. The key is to get a large number of volunteers who, in turn, bring along multiple donations. Revenue is generated in proportion to the publicity effort for the event, done either in advance—as in the case of the bike-a-thon—or done at the same time (street-side signs, etc.) — for the car wash.

Which events are easy to do?

The events that are easiest to conduct are the ones that are fun and of short duration. Often, the largest part of the job is generating a good turnout. Communicating your need is central to all fundraising efforts, but for an event, it’s critical. By making your event fun to attend and short in duration, you make it more attractive to potential supporters.Examples include a group dinner or a mystery dinner theater:
  • Group Dinner A group dinner involves organizing a group meal, usually at a restaurant although it can be potluck/buffet style as well. Many restaurants are glad to host your get together and provide standard meal service while “rebating” back to your nonprofit organization roughly 15% of the total tab for your group’s meals.
  • Mystery Dinner Theater Inviting everyone to a Mystery Dinner Theater creates another fun evening that produces a nice amount of revenue for your group. Line up a large meeting room at a local restaurant, recruit your thespians from among the gregarious types in your community and you’re ready to go. Pre-packaged scripts are available from several suppliers. See our listings for fundraising event suppliers for details.

Which events make the most money?

Your fundraisers will be at their most profitable when you generate a massive turnout combined with a willingness of your patrons to open their pocketbooks. Examples include school-based Athlet-a-thons and exclusive black tie charity auctions. These types of special events require a lot of effort to promote, coordinate, and conduct. Many layers of volunteers are needed to staff all the positions for these two types of fundraisers. A key aspect to the revenue generating power of special events like auctions and Athlet-a-thons is a strong personal tie-in. With an auction, people will spend more money than they ordinarily would because there are both bargains and tax deductions involved. With a school-based Athlet-a-thon, the personal tie-in is a direct sponsorship of a child’s achievements. The personal connection is the strongest motivator for opening the pocketbook to its fullest extent. Always make sure to include that aspect when putting your plan in place. The limit is very often your own imagination. Here are a few more. Google the ideas to see how others do it and to get even more ideas.
  • Walk or run for cervical cancer
  • Dinner – get a local restaurant to give proceeds to NCCC
  • Fashion Show
  • Casual Fridays at work
  • Join up with a local bar – Invite local bands to play for free. Charge a per head fee to come into the bar
  • Champagne brunch
  • Santa Night
  • Wedding Favor
  • Solicitation letter (For Cervical Cancer Awareness Month in January)