NCCC Massachusetts (Boston) Chapter

NCCC Boston Chapter Leader: Kristen Dempsey

Kristen is a health and wellness professional. She's spent time professionally working directly with patients with cardiovascular disease and educating others on how to use their health benefits. She has a passion for helping others. After the loss of her friend to cervical cancer in 2023, she is on a mission to help other individuals currently going through treatment, supporting their friends and families, and supporting others who have lost someone.

Mission statement: The mission of the NCCC-Boston Chapter is to spread awareness for cervical cancer prevention and provide support to cervical cancer survivors and their families and friends, those currently going through treatment, and those that have lost a loved one to cervical cancer. Our goal is to educate and come together for our daughters, sisters, friends, relatives and community so that they feel empowered regarding their health. In doing this, we will lift each other up to create a community of support, friendship, kindness and strength for one another. 
Message from chapter: This chapter and mission is dedicated to the memory of my longtime dear friend, Alexis.