Host an Education Event


  • Raise awareness, especially among high risk populations, to increase information about the risks associated with HPV.
  • Collaborate with others in your community to find opportunities to offer this important information. Partners can be educational facilities, hospitals, other community based organizations, even the Junior League in your community.
  • Improve communication between patients and healthcare providers. Ask partners if they know of opportunities to speak with healthcare providers. There is seldom anything more powerful than hearing someone’s personal story.
  • Reach out to your state legislature. See sample house bill for an example of something you may be able to get a representative of your state to offer.
OKAY that all sounds good, but how do I do it?
  • Talk to people you know and some you don’t know – there should be no stigma about HPV and cervical cancer – share your personal story. You may want to write it down and practice. That way you’ll be more comfortable. Talk from your heart.
  • January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Using our sample press release, write to your community’s magazines/newspapers/radio stations to generate interest in the subject.
  • Hand out information on HPV/cervical cancer. There are free downloads on the NCCC website.
  • Have a booth at community health fairs.
  • Create an awareness program at work.
  • Sign up to use a quilt for your event.
  • Contact NCCC—we are here to help!

Whatever you do – fill out this form so we can lift you up!

Tools to Raise Awareness

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month Posters (January)

Starting an NCCC Chapter in Your Community

Click here to learn more about starting a local chapter.
“I am not a cervical cancer survivor but my sister was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer.  Luckily, her doctors caught it in time and she’s doing great now.  It scared me so bad though that my friends and I have been on a campaign to educate women about the importance of annual Pap tests and getting the HPV vaccine.  Recently we added information about males getting the HPV vaccine too. Everyone benefits when there’s less HPV. That’s what we’re all about– the vaccine and Pap tests.  We can wipe out cervical cancer in our lifetime!” —Kathi B.