We’re all understandably concerned about the new coronavirus and the illness it can cause of the lungs and airways called COVID-19. Having cancer -and undergoing treatment- weakens the immune system and puts cancer patients at higher risk with infections like coronaviruses so it’s important to be informed about ways to protect yourself and also what to ask your health care providers.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) has put together resources for current and past cancer patients including Common Questions About the New Coronavirus Outbreak. ACS also offers tips on Questions to Ask Your Health Care Team About Coronavirus with specific sections for those beginning, undergoing, and finishing their treatment process.
Some of the general questions they suggest bringing up include:
- How can I protect myself from coronavirus?
- Is my risk increased?
- What are signs and symptoms to look for?
- How might this impact my treatment?
Take Care of Yourself!
It’s normal to feel anxious with the 24/7 news cycle and all the disruptions in our lives. There are ways to cope and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggestions to manage stress: take a break from the news, eat healthy meals and get some exercise, make sure you’re getting enough sleep, find some activities you enjoy to take your mind of things, and reach out to others. CDC says those feeling overwhelmed might want to visit the Disaster Distress Helpline online, call them at 1-800-985-5990, or text TalkWithUs to 66746. If you or someone you know if in crisis or danger then call 911.
NCCC’s parent organization, the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA), also offers resources around coronaviruses and COVID-19:
A Message from ASHA’s President on COVID-19
Sex in the Time of COVID-19
Be safe, stay well, and remember we’re all in this together!